Number 1 Radio Online playlist

On the Playlist page of Number 1 Radio Online, you can search previously played songs for 30 days, and you can listen to them again by YouTube. You no longer have to worry about not knowing what songs were playing earlier in your favourite radio. The filter panel above the playlist can be used to narrow your search by song title, and play date. Furthermore, some radios come with a separate channel selector that lets you list the songs from different channels of the radio. In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on the Contact page!

20.02 00:47 -  - THE SUNDAY BEST PROMO
20.02 00:39 - Culture Club - Victims
20.02 00:34 - Whitesnake - Is This Love
20.02 00:31 - Shakin' Stevens - It's Raining
20.02 00:31 -  - MARTYS PROMO
20.02 00:26 - Eric Carmen - All By Myself
20.02 00:22 - Tina Turner - I dont wanna lose you
20.02 00:18 - Queen - These Are The Days Of Our Life
20.02 00:18 -  - CLUB CLASSICS PROMO
20.02 00:14 - Shania Twain - You're Still The One
20.02 00:10 - Bryan Ferry - Roxy Music - Brian Ferry - Slave To Love
20.02 00:08 - Bruce Springstein - I'm On Fire
20.02 00:01 - Bon Jovi - Bed of Roses
20.02 00:01 -  - CLASSIC LOVE PROMO
19.02 23:58 - HouseMartins - Caravan Of Love
19.02 23:55 - Chicory Tip - Son Of My Father
19.02 23:51 - Corrs - So Young
19.02 23:47 - Crazy Town - Butterfly
19.02 23:47 -  - MARTYS PROMO
19.02 23:46 -  - CLUB CLASSICS PROMO
19.02 23:43 - Godley & Creme - Cry
19.02 23:39 - Girls Aloud - - The Show
19.02 23:36 - Kylie Minogue - Spinning Around
19.02 23:32 - Blue - All Rise
19.02 23:32 -  - CLASSIC LOVE PROMO
19.02 23:31 - PROMO - MIXED TAPE
19.02 23:27 - Eighth Wonder - I'm Not Scared
19.02 23:24 - Fergie/Ludacris - Glamorous
19.02 23:20 - Level 42 - The Sun Goes Down (Living It Up)
19.02 23:16 - Sugababes - Round Round
19.02 23:15 - 087 20 27 467 - TRADE PRICE TILES
19.02 23:12 - P!nk - So What
19.02 23:08 - Maroon 5 - - This Love
19.02 23:04 - Then Jerico - Big Area
19.02 23:00 - Roger Sanchez - - Another Chance
19.02 22:57 - Haircut 100 - Fantastic Day
19.02 22:53 - Steps - Deeper Shade of Blue
19.02 22:49 - Eternal - Stay
19.02 22:49 - 087 20 27 467 - TRADE PRICE TILES
19.02 22:49 -  - SHOUT OUTS
19.02 22:44 - A1 - Everytime
19.02 22:41 - Roger Sanchez - Roger Sanchez - Another Chance
19.02 22:37 - Travis - Sing
19.02 22:34 - Rachel Stevens - So Good