Number 1 Radio Online playlist
On the Playlist page of Number 1 Radio Online, you can search previously played songs for 30 days, and you can listen to them again by YouTube. You no longer have to worry about not knowing what songs were playing earlier in your favourite radio. The filter panel above the playlist can be used to narrow your search by song title, and play date. Furthermore, some radios come with a separate channel selector that lets you list the songs from different channels of the radio. In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on the Contact page!
20.02 10:08 - Blueboy - Remember Me
20.02 10:02 - All Saints - Never Ever
20.02 09:55 - The Stone Roses - Fools Gold (Original Version)
20.02 09:51 - Bee Gees - Alone
20.02 09:47 - The Offspring - Pretty Fly For A White Guy
20.02 09:43 - Sueade - - Beautiful Ones 1996
20.02 09:39 - Garbage - When I Grow Up
20.02 09:18 - James - Sit Down
20.02 09:10 - Janet Jackson - Whoops Now
20.02 09:05 - KLF - - 3 am Eternal
20.02 09:01 - Prince - The Most Beautiful Girl In The World
20.02 08:56 - Spin Doctors - - Two Princess
20.02 08:53 - Morrissey - Everyday Is Like Sunday
20.02 08:50 - Phatts & Smalls - - Turn Around
20.02 08:46 - Cardigans - My Favourite Game
20.02 08:46 - - NTR WHATSAPP
20.02 08:43 - INXS - Suicide Blonde
20.02 08:38 - Simply Red - Fairground
20.02 08:33 - New Radicals - You Get What You Give
20.02 08:33 - - WE ARE NAAS TOWN RADIO
20.02 08:25 - Meat Loaf - I'd Do Anything For Love
20.02 08:21 - Alice Cooper - It's Me
20.02 08:17 - Armand Van Helen Feat. Duane Harde - You Don't Know Me
20.02 08:14 - Crowded House - Locked Out
20.02 08:10 - Five - Keep On Movin'
20.02 08:06 - New Order - True Faith '94
20.02 08:02 - Stereo MC's - Connected
20.02 08:02 - - THE SUNDAY BEST PROMO
20.02 07:58 - Bryan Adams - Heaven
20.02 07:54 - Rolling Stones - Fool To Cry
20.02 07:50 - Cliff Richard - Miss You Nights
20.02 07:47 - Nat King Cole - Stardust
20.02 07:47 - - MARTYS PROMO
20.02 07:43 - Unknown artist - Track 1
20.02 07:39 - Hot Cholate/Hot Chocolate - It Started With a Kiss
20.02 07:34 - Wham - Careless Whisper
20.02 07:29 - The Cure - Pictures of You
20.02 07:24 - Backstreet Boys - Drowing
20.02 07:20 - Gladys Knight - Midnight Train To Georgia
20.02 07:17 - The Love Affair - Everlasting Love
20.02 07:17 - - CLASSIC LOVE PROMO
20.02 07:13 - Michael Jackson - I.Just Cant Stop Loving You
20.02 07:10 - Randy Crawford - Secret Combination
20.02 07:05 - Paul Young - Everytime You Go Away
20.02 07:01 - Annie Lennox - No More I Love You's