Shannonside FM playlist
On the Playlist page of Shannonside FM, you can search previously played songs for 30 days, and you can listen to them again by YouTube. You no longer have to worry about not knowing what songs were playing earlier in your favourite radio. The filter panel above the playlist can be used to narrow your search by song title, and play date. Furthermore, some radios come with a separate channel selector that lets you list the songs from different channels of the radio. In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on the Contact page!
03.02 15:39 - Rembrandts - I`ll Be There For You
03.02 15:36 - Wilson Phillips - Hold On
03.02 15:32 - Joan Osborne - One Of Us
03.02 15:28 - Lenny Kravitz - It Ain't Over Till It's Over
03.02 15:22 - East 17 - Deep
03.02 15:18 - DNA / Suzanne Vega - Tom's Diner
03.02 15:12 - Bryan Adams - Please Forgive Me
03.02 15:08 - D:REAM - Things Can Only Get Better
03.02 13:54 - Brid Shaughnessy - I'm Not Up To Feeling Down
03.02 13:51 - Louise Morrissey - The Old Turf Fire
03.02 13:42 - Highstool Prophets - Home
03.02 13:34 - Pat Mulchrone - Can't Hold The Years Back
03.02 13:27 - The Murphys - The House With The Yellow Door
03.02 13:25 - Gerry Guthrie - Another Saturday Night
03.02 13:19 - Sean Keane - YOU GOT GOLD
03.02 13:16 - Buddy Holly / The Crickets - It Doesn't Matter Anymore
03.02 12:57 - Sandie Shaw - LONG LIVE LOVE
03.02 12:53 - Susan McCann - OLD MAN ON THE PORCH
03.02 12:49 - Sean Brennan - Blue Kilkenny Eyes
03.02 12:37 - Randy Travis - Forever And Ever, Amen
03.02 12:33 - The Fureys / Davy Arthur - When You Were Sweet Sixteen
03.02 12:26 - Foster And Allen - Old Flames
03.02 12:21 - Logue And McCool - THIS IS WHERE THE COWBOY RIDES AWAY
03.02 12:17 - Garth Brooks - UNANSWERED PRAYERS
03.02 12:11 - RHYTHM AND STICKS - We Love What We Do
03.02 12:08 - Tumbling Paddies - The Way I Am
03.02 11:55 - Billy Yates / Roly Daniels - Tennessee
03.02 11:52 - Dolly Parton - Jolene
03.02 11:39 - Ann Breen - Pal Of My Cradle Days
03.02 11:36 - Larry Cunningham - Forty Shades of Green
03.02 11:29 - Jimmy Hynes - Bringing Home The Roses
03.02 11:25 - Robert Mizzell - I Don't Believe That's How You Feel
03.02 11:19 - Brian Coll - When I Grow Too Old To Dream
03.02 11:13 - Charlie McGettigan - Booth Boxer
03.02 11:10 - Joe Dolan - Sweet Little Rock And Roller
03.02 11:07 - Derek Ryan - FLOWERS IN YOUR HAIR
03.02 09:53 - BabyBird - You're Gorgeous
03.02 09:48 - Roxette - It Must Have Been Love
03.02 09:41 - Amy Grant - Baby Baby
03.02 09:32 - Donna Lewis - I Love You (Always And Forever)
03.02 09:27 - Mock Turtles - Can You Dig It
03.02 09:19 - The Cure - Friday I'm In Love
03.02 08:54 - Londonbeat - I`ve Been Thinking About You
03.02 08:50 - Erasure - Blue Savannah