Shannonside FM playlist
On the Playlist page of Shannonside FM, you can search previously played songs for 30 days, and you can listen to them again by YouTube. You no longer have to worry about not knowing what songs were playing earlier in your favourite radio. The filter panel above the playlist can be used to narrow your search by song title, and play date. Furthermore, some radios come with a separate channel selector that lets you list the songs from different channels of the radio. In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on the Contact page!
22.02 14:17 - - 2202 Monaghan vs Cork Preview
22.02 13:51 - Derek Ryan - Ya Can't Stay Here
22.02 13:48 - Brendan Jermyn - The In Crowd
22.02 13:45 - Louise Morrissey - Come Down The Mountain Katie Daly
22.02 13:38 - Clodagh Togher - Goodnight Dallas
22.02 13:35 - Kris Kristofferson - Me and Bobby McGee
22.02 13:27 - Brendan Kelly - I'll Pick You Up
22.02 13:24 - Nathan Carter - Cannibals
22.02 13:20 - Sean Brennan - I Wish I Had A Nickel
22.02 13:17 - Philomena Begley - Old Ardboe
22.02 13:13 - Tumbling Paddies - The Way I Am
22.02 13:11 - T.R Dallas - Old Man Trouble
22.02 12:55 - Garth Brooks - FRIENDS IN LOW PLACES
22.02 12:52 - Charley Pride - Kiss an Angel Good Mornin'
22.02 12:48 - Margo / Shunie Crampsey - All I Need is Your Sweet Lovin'
22.02 12:44 - Jimmy Buckley - Pretend
22.02 12:40 - Susan McCann - If I Came Back Home
22.02 12:38 - Johnny Brady - Chicken Fried
22.02 12:31 - Carmel McLoughlin - I Followed My Dream
22.02 12:27 - George Strait - The Cowboy Rides Away
22.02 12:17 - Michael English - Nancy Spain
22.02 12:10 - Jack Keogh - Shannon From Dungannon
22.02 12:06 - Cliona Hagan - Yellow Roses
22.02 11:54 - Lisa McHugh - Country Girl
22.02 11:42 - Johnny Loughrey - Any Town In Ireland
22.02 11:39 - Mick Flavin - Jack The Sailor
22.02 11:33 - John Glenn - Forever Ain't Long Enough
22.02 11:27 - Don Williams - I Believe In You
22.02 11:23 - Hal Ketchum - Past The Point Of Rescue
22.02 11:17 - Effie Neill - The Craic Was Always 90
22.02 11:11 - Mike Denver / Liam O'Connor - The Galway Shawl
22.02 11:07 - Robert Mizzell - I Play The Road
22.02 09:54 - Morgan Wallen - I'm The Problem
22.02 09:49 - David Kitt - Up To You
22.02 09:42 - Sam Fender - Arm's Length
22.02 09:34 - Celine Dion - Because You Loved Me
22.02 09:28 - Billie Eilish - Birds Of A Feather
22.02 09:23 - Little Mix - Sweet Melody
22.02 09:16 - Lola Young - Messy
22.02 09:11 - Barry White - Let The Music Play
22.02 08:55 - Allie Sherlock - Ex Friend
22.02 08:51 - Sabrina Carpenter - Please Please Please (w/ Dolly Parton)
22.02 08:46 - Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me
22.02 08:38 - KT Tunstall - Black Horse The Cherry Tree