Shannonside FM playlist

On the Playlist page of Shannonside FM, you can search previously played songs for 30 days, and you can listen to them again by YouTube. You no longer have to worry about not knowing what songs were playing earlier in your favourite radio. The filter panel above the playlist can be used to narrow your search by song title, and play date. Furthermore, some radios come with a separate channel selector that lets you list the songs from different channels of the radio. In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on the Contact page!


04.05 13:51 - Paddy Treacy - Starting Out
04.05 13:48 - Jimmy Buckley - Goin' Through The Big D
04.05 13:42 - Susan McCann - I Wish It Would Rain
04.05 13:39 - Olivia Douglas - The Girl For You
04.05 13:35 - Tumbling Paddies - The Way I Am
04.05 13:33 - Brendan Shine - Where The Three Counties Meet
04.05 13:26 - Ceol - One More For The Road
04.05 13:23 - Lee Matthews - Irish Whiskey On The Shelf
04.05 13:18 - Mary Hoey - The Grand Tour
04.05 13:16 - Roly Daniels - Take A Letter Maria
04.05 13:13 - John Glenn / The Mainliners - Anger And Tears
04.05 12:56 - Chuck Owens - Thats Why I Sing This Way
04.05 12:52 - Johnny Brady - Chicken Fried
04.05 12:48 - George Strait - God and Country Music
04.05 12:45 - Eamonn Jackson - Tonight Carmen
04.05 12:36 - Pat McKenna - Wheels of Life
04.05 12:31 - Mike Denver - Paddy
04.05 12:22 - John McNicholl - The Brightest Road
04.05 12:18 - Johnny Cash / Sandy Kelly - Woodcarver
04.05 12:13 - Randy Travis - Three Wooden Crosses
04.05 12:09 - Patrick Feeney - The Last Shanty
04.05 12:06 - Derek Ryan - The Cows On The Hill
04.05 11:57 - Mick Flavin - SAM'S PLACE
04.05 11:54 - RED HURLEY - Arkansas
04.05 11:51 - Ciar?n Rosney - Auld Skillara Hat
04.05 11:48 - Justin McGurk - Trucker's Prayer
04.05 11:37 - Nathan Carter - Dear Elizabeth
04.05 11:34 - TRUDI LAWLOR - Stand By Your Man
04.05 11:28 - Gerry Guthrie - I Couldn't Get My Mind Off You
04.05 11:25 - Matt Leavy - Who Left The Door To Heaven Open
04.05 11:14 - Sara Evans - Suds in the Bucket
04.05 11:07 - John Hogan - The Old Dance Hall
04.05 09:55 - Culture Club - Karma Chameleon
04.05 09:51 - Djo - End of Beginning
04.05 09:44 - Mic Christopher - Hey Day
04.05 09:38 - Benson Boone - Beautiful Things
04.05 09:33 - Paul Young - WHEREVER I LAY MY HAT
04.05 09:28 - MICHAEL MARCAGI - Scared To Start
04.05 09:22 - The 1975 - The Sound
04.05 09:15 - Spiller - Groovejet (If This Ain't Love)
04.05 09:11 - Noah Kahan - Stick Season
04.05 08:53 - Gwen Stefani - The Sweet Escape
04.05 08:48 - Tom Petty - I Won't Back Down
04.05 08:41 - Ed Sheeran - Afterglow