Shannonside FM playlist

On the Playlist page of Shannonside FM, you can search previously played songs for 30 days, and you can listen to them again by YouTube. You no longer have to worry about not knowing what songs were playing earlier in your favourite radio. The filter panel above the playlist can be used to narrow your search by song title, and play date. Furthermore, some radios come with a separate channel selector that lets you list the songs from different channels of the radio. In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on the Contact page!

25.01 19:56 - Eric Church - Mixed Drinks About Feelings
25.01 19:53 - Zach Bryan - Pink Skies
25.01 19:49 - Faith Hill - Breathe
25.01 19:45 - Vince Gill - TRYIN' TO GET OVER YOU
25.01 18:51 - Eagles - Take It Easy
25.01 14:08 -  - Bless The Broken Road - MIXDOWN
25.01 13:55 - Patrick Feeney - The Darling Girl From Clare
25.01 13:52 - Brendan Shine - Where Did You Meet Her?
25.01 13:49 - Shaun Loughrey - Mary With The Golden Hair
25.01 13:43 - Linda Ronstadt - Blue Bayou
25.01 13:39 - Joe Dolan - CIARA
25.01 13:33 - Michael English - LOCKLIN'S BAR
25.01 13:29 - Ciar?n Rosney - Back In My Heart
25.01 13:24 - Kenny Rogers - Coward Of The County
25.01 13:21 - Vince Gill - Liza Jane
25.01 12:57 - Mike Denver - Back in '68
25.01 12:54 - John Glenn - SUNNY SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN
25.01 12:51 - Sean Brennan - When The Roses Bloom Again
25.01 12:47 - Pat Mulchrone - Rambling Boy
25.01 12:42 - Jim Devine - We're Here To Stay
25.01 12:39 - Randy Travis - Diggin' Up Bones
25.01 12:34 - Gerry Guthrie - Union Mare
25.01 12:26 - Tumbling Paddies - For You
25.01 12:20 - Johnny McEvoy - The Town I Left Behind
25.01 12:14 - John Hogan - Scars in Heaven
25.01 12:10 - Nathan Carter - On the Boat To Liverpool
25.01 12:06 - Derek Ryan - Hold Onto Your Hat
25.01 11:55 - Margo - SHANAGOLDEN
25.01 11:51 - George Strait - All My Ex's Live In Texas
25.01 11:47 - Big Tom And The Mainliners - Old Love Letters
25.01 11:43 - Johnny Brady - Chicken Fried
25.01 11:40 - HURRICANE HIGHWAY - Baby I Do
25.01 11:36 - Philomena Begley - QUEEN OF THE SILVER DOLLAR
25.01 11:33 - Lisa McHugh - WHY'D YA COME IN HERE
25.01 11:28 - Declan Nerney - Stop The World
25.01 11:25 - Mick Flavin - LONGFORD ON MY MIND
25.01 11:21 - Merle Haggard - I Had A Beautiful Time
25.01 11:16 - Robert Mizzell - DOWN ON THE BAYOU
25.01 11:13 - Jimmy Buckley - TIJUANA LADY
25.01 11:10 - Alan Jackson - Chasin' That Neon Rainbow
25.01 09:54 - Gwen Stefani - Bouquet
25.01 09:50 - Gavin James - Greatest Hits
25.01 09:44 - Ella Henderson - Filthy Rich
25.01 09:39 - Dido - Here With Me