RTÉ Lyric FM's programmes

You can find here the schedule of RTÉ Lyric FM one week ahead, and the related important information, like the name of the presenters and the teasers of the programmes. Above the radio programmes, with the radio finder, you can switch to other radios, and with the date option, you can set the starting day of your search. If you find any mistakes in our schedule, like there is other programme in the radio, than in our schedule, or something is missing, please help us by contacting us on the Contact page, and we will fix it as soon as possible. If you would like to see more radios' schedules simultaneously, please visit the general Schedule page.

07:00 - Marty in the Morning
10:00 - Niall Carroll's Classical Daytime
13:00 - The Full Score with Liz Nolan
16:00 - Lorcan Murray's Classic Drive
19:00 - Mystery Train with John Kelly
21:00 - Culture File
21:30 - The Blue of the Night with Bernard Clarke
00:00 - Lyric Through the Night
07:00 - Marty in the Morning
10:00 - Niall Carroll's Classical Daytime
13:00 - The Full Score with Liz Nolan
16:00 - Lorcan Murray's Classic Drive
19:00 - Mystery Train with John Kelly
21:00 - The Blue of the Night with Bernard Clarke
00:00 - Lyric Through the Night
07:00 - Marty in the Morning
10:00 - Niall Carroll's Classical Daytime
13:00 - Aedín in the Afternoon
16:00 - Lorcan Murray's Classic Drive
19:00 - RTÉ lyric Live with Paul Herriott
22:00 - Vespertine with Ellen Cranitch
01:00 - Lyric Through the Night
07:00 - Daybreak with Evonne Ferguson
10:00 - The Hamilton Scores
13:00 - Movies and Musicals with Aedín Gormley
16:00 - Weekend Classics with Claudia Boyle
18:30 - Culture File Presents: The Comfort Zone
19:00 - Opera Night with Paul Herriott
22:00 - Vespertine with Ellen Cranitch
02:00 - Lyric Through the Night
07:00 - Vox Nostra with Vlad Smishkewych
10:00 - The Hamilton Scores
13:00 - Sunday Afternoon with Simon Delaney
16:00 - Weekend Classics with Claudia Boyle
18:00 - The Lyric Feature
19:00 - Mystery Train with John Kelly
21:00 - Vespertine with Ellen Cranitch
00:00 - Lyric Through the Night
07:00 - Marty in the Morning
10:00 - Niall Carroll's Classical Daytime
13:00 - The Full Score with Liz Nolan
16:00 - Lorcan Murray's Classic Drive
19:00 - Mystery Train with John Kelly
21:00 - The Blue of the Night with Bernard Clarke
00:00 - Lyric Through the Night
07:00 - Marty in the Morning
10:00 - Niall Carroll's Classical Daytime
13:00 - The Full Score with Liz Nolan
16:00 - Lorcan Murray's Classic Drive
19:00 - Mystery Train with John Kelly
21:00 - The Blue of the Night with Bernard Clarke