RTÉ 2FM's programmes
You can find here the schedule of RTÉ 2FM one week ahead, and the related important information, like the name of the presenters and the teasers of the programmes. Above the radio programmes, with the radio finder, you can switch to other radios, and with the date option, you can set the starting day of your search. If you find any mistakes in our schedule, like there is other programme in the radio, than in our schedule, or something is missing, please help us by contacting us on the Contact page, and we will fix it as soon as possible. If you would like to see more radios' schedules simultaneously, please visit the general Schedule page.
00:00 - 2fm Overnight
06:00 - 2FM Breakfast with Carl & Aifric
09:00 - The Laura Fox Show
12:00 - Tracy Clifford
15:00 - 2FM Drive with Roz, Emma and Graham
18:00 - Game On
21:00 - The Greene Room
23:00 - Dan Hegarty - The Alternative
00:00 - 2fm Overnight
06:00 - 2FM Breakfast with Carl & Aifric
09:00 - The Laura Fox Show
12:00 - Tracy Clifford
15:00 - 2FM Drive with Roz, Emma and Graham
18:00 - Game On
19:00 - New Music Show with Beta Da Silva
21:00 - The Greene Room
23:00 - Dan Hegarty - The Alternative
00:00 - 2fm Overnight
06:00 - 2FM Breakfast with Carl & Aifric
09:00 - The Laura Fox Show
12:00 - Tracy Clifford
15:00 - 2FM Drive with Roz, Emma and Graham
18:00 - Game On
19:00 - New Music Show with Beta Da Silva
21:00 - The Greene Room
23:00 - Dan Hegarty - The Alternative
00:00 - 2fm Overnight
06:00 - 2FM Breakfast with Carl & Aifric
09:00 - The Laura Fox Show
12:00 - Tracy Clifford
15:00 - 2FM Drive with Roz, Emma and Graham
18:00 - Game On
22:00 - DJ Wax on 2FM
23:00 - Andrew C on 2FM
01:00 - The Late Night Sessions
06:00 - 2fm Overnight
07:00 - Weekend Breakfast on 2FM with David O'Reilly
09:00 - Weekends on 2FM with Bláthnaid Treacy
12:00 - Aindriú & Taran
15:00 - Weekends on 2FM with Conor Behan
18:00 - The Electric Disco with Jenny Greene
20:00 - Dave Treacy on 2FM
22:00 - The Spring Sessions
00:00 - White Noise
01:00 - The Late Night Sessions
06:00 - 2fm Overnight
07:00 - Tara Walsh on 2FM
09:00 - Weekends on 2FM with Bláthnaid Treacy
12:00 - Aindriú & Taran
15:00 - Weekends on 2FM with Conor Behan
18:00 - 2FM Request Show
20:00 - New Music Show with Beta Da Silva
22:00 - The Greene Room
00:00 - Cormac Battle
02:00 - 2fm Overnight
06:00 - 2FM Breakfast with Carl, Roz & Aisling
09:00 - 2FM Mornings with Laura Fox
12:00 - 2FM Afternoons with Tracy Clifford
15:00 - 2FM Drive with Doireann Garrihy
18:00 - 2FM's Game On
19:00 - 2FM New Music Show with Beta Da Silva
21:00 - 2FM's Greene Room with Jenny Greene
23:00 - 2FM's Alternative with Dan Hegarty