Shannonside FM playlist

On the Playlist page of Shannonside FM, you can search previously played songs for 30 days, and you can listen to them again by YouTube. You no longer have to worry about not knowing what songs were playing earlier in your favourite radio. The filter panel above the playlist can be used to narrow your search by song title, and play date. Furthermore, some radios come with a separate channel selector that lets you list the songs from different channels of the radio. In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on the Contact page!


10.05 12:53 - Declan Nerney - Pat Murphy's Meadow
10.05 12:48 - Dolores Keane - Caledonia
10.05 12:39 - Ceol - One More For The Road
10.05 12:34 - Michael O'Brien - My Beautiful Green Fields
10.05 12:28 - Gerry Guthrie - I Couldn't Get My Mind Off You
10.05 12:22 - Alan Jackson - Summertime Blues
10.05 12:19 - John Glenn - Why Is The Old Road Calling Me
10.05 12:13 - Cher - Gypsies,Tramps And Thieves
10.05 12:09 - Brendon - Gimme Some
10.05 11:55 - Larry Cunningham - The Fugitive
10.05 11:51 - Ciar?n Rosney - Back In My Heart
10.05 11:44 - Brendan Kelly - Brother
10.05 11:38 - Gina & the Champions - From Here To The Moon And Back
10.05 11:34 - Brendan Shine - The Garden Swing
10.05 11:28 - The Murphys - The Man Who Loved Me First
10.05 11:22 - Eamonn Jackson - Eamonn Jackson Country Band
10.05 11:16 - Charley Pride - Is Anybody Goin' To San Antone
10.05 11:11 - Mary Hoey - The Grand Tour
10.05 11:07 - Tumbling Paddies - The Way I Am
10.05 08:52 - Jennifer Lopez - Waiting For Tonight
10.05 08:40 - Kate Bush - Wuthering Heights
10.05 08:25 - Westlife - Hello My Love
10.05 08:21 - Counting Crows / Vanessa Carlton - Big Yellow Taxi
10.05 08:10 - Sabrina Carpenter - Espresso
10.05 07:53 - Bruce Springsteen - Born To Run
10.05 07:45 - MICHAEL MARCAGI - Scared To Start
10.05 07:35 - Climie Fisher - Love Changes Everything
10.05 07:23 - Calum Scott - Dancing On My Own
10.05 07:11 - Kingfishr - Shadow
10.05 07:06 - Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way
10.05 06:57 - Elton John / Britney Spears - Hold Me Closer
10.05 06:53 - Shakira - Hips Don't Lie
10.05 06:50 - Rihanna - Take A Bow
10.05 06:44 - Chris Rea - Loving You Again
10.05 06:41 - Rick Astley - NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP
10.05 06:38 - Harry Styles - As It Was
10.05 06:34 - Take That / Lulu - Relight My Fire
10.05 06:31 - Train - Hey Soul Sister
10.05 06:28 - Frank Wilson - Do I Love You (Indeed I Do)
10.05 06:17 - Billy Joel - Movin' Out (Anthony's Song)
10.05 06:14 - Dasha - Austin
10.05 06:09 - The High Llamas - Checking In Checking Out