Today FM playlist
On the Playlist page of Today FM, you can search previously played songs for 30 days, and you can listen to them again by YouTube. You no longer have to worry about not knowing what songs were playing earlier in your favourite radio. The filter panel above the playlist can be used to narrow your search by song title, and play date. Furthermore, some radios come with a separate channel selector that lets you list the songs from different channels of the radio. In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on the Contact page!
14.02 22:48 - Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark - If You Leave
14.02 22:45 - Genesis - Invisible Touch
14.02 22:38 - Paul Young - Come Back and Stay
14.02 22:34 - Madonna - Holiday
14.02 22:30 - Richard Marx - Satisfied
14.02 22:27 - John Mellencamp - Hurts So Good
14.02 22:23 - Bananarama - I Want You Back
14.02 22:18 - Aretha Franklin - I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)
14.02 22:15 - Duran Duran - Girls On Film
14.02 22:11 - Beastie Boys - (You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (To Party)
14.02 22:08 - Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance with Somebody
14.02 22:01 - S.P.Q.R. & DecPierce - Hypnotic State
14.02 21:58 - Mauro Picotto - Save A Soul
14.02 21:57 - Comiccon - Komodo (Original Mix)
14.02 21:53 - System F - Cry
14.02 21:49 - Alex Party - Saturday Night Party
14.02 21:46 - Danny Byrd - Insomnia
14.02 21:45 - Cian Ducrot - All For You (Moi qui t’aimais tellement)
14.02 21:37 - Patrick Prins - Le voie le soleil
14.02 21:33 - Dúné - Can't Stop Raving
14.02 21:30 - Jinny - Keep Warm
14.02 21:26 - Gat Decor - Passion (Do You Want It Right Now)
14.02 21:25 - S.P.Q.R. & DecPierce - Hypnotic State
14.02 21:19 - Wildchild - Renegade Master (Fatboy Slim Old Skool Mix)
14.02 21:17 - David Nexus - Digital Heart
14.02 21:15 - S.P.Q.R. & DecPierce - Hypnotic State
14.02 21:15 - Acid Mike - Tell Me Why
14.02 21:14 - Ronnie W Verboom - When Beauty Fades
14.02 21:13 - S.P.Q.R. & DecPierce - Hypnotic State
14.02 21:09 - Berri - Sunshine After The Rain
14.02 21:06 - Sash! - Ecuador
14.02 20:59 - S.P.Q.R. & DecPierce - Hypnotic State
14.02 20:55 - Bizarre Inc. - Playing With Knives
14.02 20:48 - Artemesia - Bits And Pieces
14.02 20:45 - Chicane - Offshore (Disco Citizens Remix)
14.02 20:44 - Allie Sherlock - Ex-Friend
14.02 20:42 - Morrissey - First Of The Gang To Die
14.02 20:37 - Three 'N One & Johnny Shaker - Pearl River
14.02 20:34 - Darude - Sandstorm - Radio Edit
14.02 20:29 - Pete Heller's Big Love - Big Love
14.02 20:26 - Mory Kanté - Yeke Yeke (Hardfloor Mix)
14.02 20:22 - Grizzly Bear - Two Weeks
14.02 20:18 - Duke - So In Love With You (Full Intention 12 Inch Mix)
14.02 20:15 - Ayla - Ayla (DJ Taucher Radio Edit)
14.02 20:10 - Livin' Joy - Don’t Stop Movin’