Freedom FM playlist

On the Playlist page of Freedom FM, you can search previously played songs for 30 days, and you can listen to them again by YouTube. You no longer have to worry about not knowing what songs were playing earlier in your favourite radio. The filter panel above the playlist can be used to narrow your search by song title, and play date. Furthermore, some radios come with a separate channel selector that lets you list the songs from different channels of the radio. In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on the Contact page!

19.01 15:17 - The Boo Radleys - Wake Up Boo!
19.01 15:13 - Kirsty Maccoll - Walking Down Madison
19.01 15:09 - Erick Sermon - Music
19.01 15:05 - Paula Cole - Where Have All The Cowboys Gone?
19.01 15:01 - East 17 - Thunder
19.01 14:56 - Bjork - Venus As A Boy
19.01 14:52 - Ll Cool J - Control Myself Feat. Jennifer Lopez
19.01 14:48 - Steps - Deeper Shade Of Blue
19.01 14:45 - Sasha - Scorchio
19.01 14:41 - Dave Stewart - Lily Was Here
19.01 14:37 - Fun Lovin' Criminals - Loco
19.01 14:33 - Betty Boo - Let Me Take You There
19.01 14:30 - Richard X - Being Nobody
19.01 14:26 - Fugees - Killing Me Softly
19.01 14:23 - Grant Nelson - Step 2 Me
19.01 14:18 - Cyndi Lauper - Hey Now
19.01 14:15 - Liquid Child - Diving Faces
19.01 14:11 - Amy Winehouse - Back To Black
19.01 14:08 - Will Smith - Switch
19.01 14:05 - Guns N' Roses - Live And Let Die
19.01 14:01 - Melanie B - Feels So Good
19.01 13:57 - Ronan Keating - Lovin' Each Day
19.01 13:53 - Robin S - Show Me Love
19.01 13:49 - Robbie Williams - Angels
19.01 13:45 - Cheryl Cole - Fight For This Love
19.01 13:42 - Maxx - Get A Way
19.01 13:37 - Coldplay - Talk
19.01 13:34 - Andreas Johnson - Glorious
19.01 13:31 - Kris Kross - Jump
19.01 13:27 - Inner City - Good Life
19.01 13:23 - Simon Webbe - Lay Your Hands
19.01 13:19 - Mantronix - Got To Have Your Love
19.01 13:16 - Gina G - Ooh Aah...just A Little Bit
19.01 13:12 - Room 5 - Make Luv
19.01 13:09 - Mis-Teeq - One Night Stand
19.01 13:04 - Oasis - Don't Look Back In Anger
19.01 13:01 - Rihanna - Don't Stop The Music
19.01 12:56 - Madonna - Vogue
19.01 12:52 - La Bouche - Sweet Dreams
19.01 12:49 - Madonna - Die Another Day
19.01 12:45 - The Pussycat Dolls - I Hate This Part
19.01 12:42 - Wisdom - Off The Wall
19.01 12:38 - Gun - Word Up
19.01 12:34 - Black Eyed Peas - Don't Phunk With My Heart
19.01 12:31 - Scatman John - Scatman