Freedom FM playlist
On the Playlist page of Freedom FM, you can search previously played songs for 30 days, and you can listen to them again by YouTube. You no longer have to worry about not knowing what songs were playing earlier in your favourite radio. The filter panel above the playlist can be used to narrow your search by song title, and play date. Furthermore, some radios come with a separate channel selector that lets you list the songs from different channels of the radio. In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on the Contact page!
11.01 03:57 - Apache Indian - Boom Shack-A-Lak
11.01 03:53 - The Pussycat Dolls - When I Grow Up
11.01 03:49 - Beverley Knight - The Greatest Day
11.01 03:46 - Sub.merge - Take Me By The Hand Feat. Jan Johnston
11.01 03:43 - Morcheeba - Rome Wasn't Built In A Day
11.01 03:40 - Holly Valance - Naughty Girl
11.01 03:36 - The Beloved - Sweet Harmony
11.01 03:32 - Hilary Duff - So Yesterday
11.01 03:29 - Mn8 - I've Got A Little Something For You
11.01 03:25 - Prince - Diamonds And Pearls
11.01 03:21 - Suede - Beautiful Ones
11.01 03:17 - Disco-Tex - I Can Cast A Spell
11.01 03:14 - Five - Everybody Get Up
11.01 03:10 - John Legend - Green Light Feat. Andree 3000
11.01 03:06 - Ocean Colour Scene - Hundred Mile High City
11.01 03:01 - Kanye West - Stronger
11.01 02:58 - Blank & Jones - After Love
11.01 02:54 - Solarstone - Seven Cities
11.01 02:50 - Ron Hagen - Riddles In The Sand
11.01 02:46 - Aurora - The Day It Rained Forever
11.01 02:43 - Eye To Eye - Just Cant Get Enough
11.01 02:39 - Real Mccoy - Another Night
11.01 02:35 - E-Rotic - Fred Come To Bed
11.01 02:30 - Dynamic Base - Africa
11.01 02:27 - Movin' Melodies - Indica
11.01 02:23 - Bt - Remember
11.01 02:19 - Sonique - It Feels So Good
11.01 02:16 - Dash Berlin - Man On The Run
11.01 02:13 - Su Real - You Take My Breath Away
11.01 02:08 - - I’ve Got To Run
11.01 02:04 - Nalin & Kane - Beachball
11.01 02:01 - Jx - You Belong To Me
11.01 01:57 - Dune - Hardcore Vibes
11.01 01:53 - Sl2 - On A Ragga Tip
11.01 01:50 - Ridgewalkers - Find
11.01 01:47 - Barthezz - Infected
11.01 01:43 - Blondie - Atomic '98
11.01 01:39 - La Cream - Justify My Love
11.01 01:36 - Bedrock - For What You Dream Of
11.01 01:31 - Kyria - Snow On The Sahara
11.01 01:27 - Mark Knight - Man With The Red Face Feat. Funkagenda
11.01 01:24 - D:ream - Shoot Me With Your Love
11.01 01:19 - Bbe - Seven Days & One Week
11.01 01:16 - Dogzilla - Without You
11.01 01:12 - T-Empo - Saturday Night, Sunday Morning