Freedom FM playlist
On the Playlist page of Freedom FM, you can search previously played songs for 30 days, and you can listen to them again by YouTube. You no longer have to worry about not knowing what songs were playing earlier in your favourite radio. The filter panel above the playlist can be used to narrow your search by song title, and play date. Furthermore, some radios come with a separate channel selector that lets you list the songs from different channels of the radio. In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on the Contact page!
07.02 23:04 - Members Of Mayday - 10 In 01
07.02 23:00 - The Chemical Brothers - It Began In Afrika
07.02 22:54 - The Source - You Got The Love Feat. Candi Staton
07.02 22:51 - Three 'N One - Reflect - Original 1996 Short Mix
07.02 22:47 - Dune - Who Wants To Live Forever
07.02 22:44 - Nylon Moon - Sky Plus
07.02 22:40 - Bbe - Flash
07.02 22:36 - Awesome 3 - Don't Go
07.02 22:33 - Livin' Joy - Dont Stop Movin
07.02 22:29 - Armand Van Helden - The Funk Phenomena
07.02 22:25 - Pianoman - Blurred
07.02 22:22 - Spqr - Hypnotic State
07.02 22:19 - Tori Amos - Professional Widow
07.02 22:15 - Lisa Stansfield - People Hold On Feat Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
07.02 22:11 - Dj's Rule - Get Into The Music
07.02 22:07 - Technohead - I Wanna Be A Hippy
07.02 22:04 - Way Out West - Domination
07.02 22:00 - Tony Di Bart - Do It
07.02 21:57 - Gouryella - Walhalla
07.02 21:52 - Degrees Of Motion - Shine On
07.02 21:49 - Yomanda - Sunshine
07.02 21:45 - Tiga - You Gonna Want Me
07.02 21:42 - The Thrillseekers - Dreaming Of You - Radio Edit
07.02 21:38 - Real Mccoy - Another Night
07.02 21:34 - Young Braves - Reach - Freedom
07.02 21:30 - Loveland - I Need Somebody Feat. Rachel Mcfarlane
07.02 21:26 - Marradonna - Catch The Beat
07.02 21:22 - Orbital - Funny Break
07.02 21:18 - Luce Drayton - To Be Loved
07.02 21:15 - Blank & Jones - Beyond Time
07.02 21:11 - Baby Bumps - Burning
07.02 21:08 - The Invisible Man - Give A Little Love
07.02 21:04 - The Shapeshifters - Back To Basics
07.02 21:00 - Praga Kahn - Injected With A Poision
07.02 20:57 - Nu Soul - Hideaway Feat. Kelly Rich
07.02 20:53 - Above & Beyond - Clear Blue Water
07.02 20:49 - Underworld - Born Slippy
07.02 20:45 - Scooter - The Logical Song
07.02 20:41 - Amen Uk - Lover Feat. Rachel Mcfarlane
07.02 20:38 - Cascada - Truly Madly Deeply
07.02 20:34 - Tin Tin Out - Strings For Yasmin
07.02 20:30 - Billie Ray Martin - Honey - Chicane Club Mix
07.02 20:26 - M.c. Sar - Run Away
07.02 20:23 - Kelvin - Dance 4 Me Baby
07.02 20:19 - R.t.z. - In The Name Of Love